Tag Archives: Liberal Democrats

Theresa May: a single statement may sink her

Hello Everyone

I have never seen a politician say that they have made a mistake and then present a solution, apart from maybe Nick Clegg, who is a Liberal Democrat.

I am very worried by a single statement that Theresa May said to Jeremy Paxman,  a seasoned interviewer of politicians.  You see, she attacked her own voters, by saying that people could keep £100,000 of their estate but the rest would be put towards their social care when they are old. (You cannot buy a house for £100,000 unless you live in the sticks, where there is no mobile phone coverage.)  The Conservative heartlands were in uproar, but Theresa May skated through it and when Jeremy Paxman said incredulously:

“You’re not answering the question.”

She said that she was now putting a cap on the limit people would have to pay for retirement homes etc.  No details, but the odd thing was she has been out to meet the people in the north of England and attempted to win the Labour vote by saying she is taking from the so-say rich. Talk about below the belt; I was stupefied.

Well, I know how hard those so-called rich people work.  They take work cell phones on holiday and have to report in every evening.  That would be an hour’s discussion and organisation.   They work from 7.00 am minimum to at least 7.00 pm and the idea of going home early on a Friday is laughable.  (Sometimes it was 1.00 am finish on a bid and then back in at 8.30 am.) They are on call at the weekend.  You see Prime Ministers’ hair go white while in power. Take a look at the people in the City of London some time.

In return for working all of the time, they are well-paid.  But when do they spend it, exactly?  My husband was Operations Director of a FTSE 100 company and I remember that he even had to leave me at a company dinner dance because he had to discuss business. But he would take holiday and tell his staff to take holiday.  Unfortunately mobiles meant you were never out of touch.

But these fathers and mothers do miss out on things like picking children up from Cub Scouts.  I was the only woman there; the others were all Dads.  Oh and the working lunch doesn’t exist, but the working breakfast does.  They  love their jobs and they do them very well, for the company and the country.  So please, next time you think of people earning a lot of money, remember that their bonuses are only paid if the company does well and that they are being paid for last year’s efforts not the present year. I think shareholders’ meetings have ensured that there is more transparency, but do you want to give up your life for your job?

Back to Theresa May.  She has been seeing select groups as she goes around England.  The manifesto seems to have been concocted by herself and a tiny group of people.  Amber Rudd, Home Secretary was the only one facing the public this evening.  Where is the Cabinet? That’s what worries me, that Mrs May seems to be doing everything her way and taking southern England voters for  granted.  Well, I’m not voting for my local dopey Conservative MP.  Whatever job he is given, he makes a mess. Perhaps Boris would like his seat?

I think that Theresa May better to middle England and the south.  She wants the mandate for Brexit.  If that is conducted like the Conservative Manifesto, there is no transparency and opinions taken from two advisers.  We need to talk.

Wish us luck.


PS My condolences to the people of Kabul who have suffered a car bomb that again killed indiscriminately. A man risked his life to say that the Taliban were not eradicated by the US/UK/UN occupation.  David Cameron was right.  Take the people back to their own countries and eradicate evil people from the ground up.

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Liberal Democrats’ Crazy To Legalise Cannabis

Hello Everyone

Liberal Democrats are by nature liberal. However that should be a long way from being crazy.

On 11 May 2017, Liberal Democrats UK announced a decision to legalise cannabis, although  its use unofficially, for relief of deep and chronic pain has been around for years.  Getting hold of it must be very difficult and how do you know how much to smoke? Doubtless, Liberal Democrat politicians think that creating official sources will mean purity of the drug.

All well and good but we risk missing the point. There have been studies into the long-term use of cannabis, which highlight damage to the brain.  Long-term use can cause the mind to be overwhelmed by a billion thoughts a day, like everyone else, but somehow they are in such profound depth or on too many subjects that the brain apparently gives up rationality.  I would argue that their thoughts are on a higher plane.

People with mental health issues from cannabis would be thrown onto the mercy of our Welfare State which would have to pay up and often for life; something which this government is keen to end. Oddly, mental health was in the news during the local elections, but has since disappeared.

If the Conservatives take this legalisation of cannabis onboard, they will heap unfortunate people onto disability benefits, because they cannot cope with life without help. Maybe this will not happen for ten years, but it is a scandal they and the Liberal Democrats can avoid by thinking it through.

It is irrelevant whether it is the drug’s fault or not.  Unfortunately the present government does not rule out the continued hacking away at welfare benefits, which is a meek way of saying that they will continue to do it.

May I respectfully that all political parties look before they leap?


Have a great week



Filed under politics