Quietly, quietly, tiptoe and the stupid public won’t realize.


There is another funnel down which millions are rapidly disappearing, but don’t say nothing. Well, just a whisper.

Construction should be allowed to go back to work, announces the government. So TV shows men in hard hats, trying to stay apart while reading a site plan. They stand impressively halfway up a new building. It could be anywhere. But no mention of something we never could afford and never needed. It is so ridiculous that someone actually said it could be electrified. The French had electric trains 30 years ago. Please say it is a 21st century railtrack.

Yes, HS2. Out of date before it is built. Better to do the northern part, to link northern cities, like Boris promised. Besides, by the time it is finished in the northern part of our beautiful country, say 2030, London will be partly underwater. That would be a major engineering challenge.

Hello, please stop this nonsense immediately. We have to contain the virus and save people and that takes precedent over everything else. So there’s lobbying and in some places there would be backhanders, but the British would never do that. So why hasn’t it stopped?

Every charity under the sun is advertising emergency Coronavirus appeals, but the British government wants a railway. I know we’re odd, eccentric, yet lovable. This is not love of country. I call it the scar, as that is what it will carve through middle England’s lush vales. City businessmen and women want to have relaxing weekends in the country, lockdown allowing.

Boris, we need an explanation.

Stay safe, keep well


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