Tag Archives: EU

So three problems for Boris Johnson to take to Brussels tomorrow. Firstly, well done to Boris for keeping his nerve against all-comers.

1) Governance – we have a government, thanks and the British public will not take kindly to another country sticking its oar in. This is because we are both mavericks and leaders. And governance from Brussels, or is it Strasbourg this week, a reason why we left.

2) Fisheries – give over. The British and the French, plus any Joe Bloggs who wants to. have a look-in, have been squabbling over fishing rights for hundreds of years.
A distant thought says that the 0-6 miles and the 6-12 miles’ areas were in danger of being over-fished. All parties want to conserve fish stocks, but are guilty of fishing in each other’s waters. Of course the 0-6 miles of sea around our coastline are our territorial waters and are therefore set in stone. There was a sob story on the News about poor, little French fishing boats fishing for small businesses. The reverse is also true, although they cannot be little boats as they have to navigate the English Channel. What about quotas for the 6-12 miles of sea? Please no more regulation, yet an acknowledgement that all countries who send their fishing boats to this area, will have to share the charge of British and French warships to patrol it.

3) A level playing field – let’s clarify. We have left the Union We should have the same rights of access and tariff-free as Canada or any other country that trades with the EU, but lives outside it. Make no demands. It puts people’s backs up. Show your lasting gratitude. The French like a good scrap.

If all else fails, smile until your face hurts and keep smiling. It drives everyone crazy!

Best wishes

Keep well, stay well


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Boris to resign? Are we out of our collective minds?!


Boris is the only one who has the mental power to bring about Brexit. Someone, somewhere is beavering away, trying to create a Brexit, to be submitted to the EU in ‘x’ days. However long, we need him to analyse it and produce a coherent document.

We had 3 years since the 2016 Referendum to deliver it. Mrs May just kept asking what the EU wanted. She had a discussion with our Guy (Verhoefstadt) about the Northern Ireland and admitted that she hadn’t thought to ask her to be at the meeting. Bizarre, but it followed that the UK presented a Remain document to Parliament.Naturally, it was shredded and politicians of every hue decided to air their partisan views on TV. Who told them it was a good idea? The EU was astounded, not least by childish behaviour being exhibited by our MP’s. The UK public either derided them or was embarrassed.

Ignore this conflict of interest where Scotland’s Justice Department thought it could vote for itself and no-one would notice.

Sending you strength, Boris, but where are the lawyers? This is our field, but they also know that politics should be conducted quietly, with no shouted arguments across the Commons.

Unfortunately, with all of those egos, one way to go was to suspend Parliament. It took the wind out of their sails. Now they’re coming back on Wednesday.

For Boris, gather your friends around you, political and otherwise. There will be a tumult of objection on Wednesday. Hang on, the people want you to stay. The thought of a Dictator in power (Jeremy Corbine), is very worrying. But the UK public is cleverer than JC. Five hours less a week to work, but over ten years! And it has failed as a system in France. Salaries went down as a result of working less, business owners were pessimistic. It is too gloomy to think about.

Good luck


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John Prescott dealt better than Nigel Farrage

Can you remember what Labour MP, Johh Prescott,did, {a man who made his way up the hard way} when pelted by a tomato? He swivelled and punched the thrower right in the face. There was no pause, just an instinctive reaction. And we laughed and laughed. Just what the tomato thrower deserved.
Fifteen years or so later, Nigel Farage was beaten by a milkshake. But he had no response. He did, inadvertently, give massive exposure to the milkshake as first reports thought it was necessary to know it was by Five Guys, a banana, salted caramel shake. The utter absurdity of it! I fell about laughing, yet the irony of it stands that he could not mention Nigel Farrage for some whimsical reason that would escalate into a war of words.

Onto Brexit, still stuck in our teeth. Madam May has thrown a choice of referendum into the ring. However, there are so many other parts in it that it could not be translated into law in a month of Sundays.
Neither did the 1922 Committee move us forward. There is no date of departure and all of these extra features appear to depend on her getting the same deal through.

MP’s just have to keep their nerve. It is the same deal as you voted down so massively the first time. In the meantime, she has managed to insult the DUP, on whose votes she usually depends.

We are grownups in a major country in the EU. We can leave and create our own Customs Union, which, yes, will have some of the EU’s ways of doing things, but it is up to us to create a part that will suit ourselves. And we can cut the red tape. And we can be free of the farrago of nonsense that makes the EU Assembly move between Brussels and Strasbourg every three weeks. The cost beggars belief.. Let them know that they will not beggar us.

And how can it even be thought of a serving Prime Minister, as repetition of a vote over the same deal which would be bad for the country, but which she cannot admit defeat, one has to ask whether Brexit may move on without her, or will some other plea be made? She is making us all look like fools, but worse the EU is getting fed up with our philanderings..

Come on, let’s set Boris onto M> Barnier and storm through Brexit. Boris is also famous for walking away from a meeting, saying that he was not going to answer the same questions a third time. What joy! No wonder the EU politicians are scared of him.

We are not having a second Referendum or a People’s Vote, because if we do, we shall be the fools of Europe and they will wipe the floor with us.. Plus the fact the people have no clue what iBrexit is about. There has to be clear direction. Can the Queen intervene  as democracy is failing?

PS If the vote on the political aspect of Brexit is put to MP’s before 29 June, I shall eat my hat.

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Let us leave

I am grateful that a group of senior Conservative MP’s has been formulating plans for Brexit.

Please allow us to keep the vestiges of honour and pride that we have and leave Brexit on 29 March.

Voting for Mrs May’s deal, which has twice been rejected by large margins, would be a violation of our democracy.

What has happened to silence John Bercow, who wanted to stop the Conservatives bullying their own MP’s?

Asking the country again in another Referendum would be to play into the hands of another Parliamentary party, Labour and a leader who dallies with people who hate us, for unspecified reasons. They came here and now they want to thwart our parliamentary democracy.

Asking for another Referendum is to violate the first result.

it is the first time in 27 years that we face a constitutional crisis. We bounced out of the ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism) in 1992. We kept our money, were rescued by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and did not fall apart, much to the EU’s chagrin.

We have been a major contributor to the EU’s funds. We have received subsidies in return, but we have not had a choice in receiving agricultural products. The berries are sour; the oranges are sweet. Break one deal; continue with the sweet one.

Let’s get quality back into our lives.

Let’s not pay for the move of the entire European Parliament every three weeks between Strasbourg and Brussels. What a waste of money!

Ask our young people to create a technological border between North and South Ireland. They will do it in a trice. This hard border rubbish should not put our deal at risk.

Let’s go; we’ve had enough of M. Barnier and co., with their deals that don’t suit us and let’s have our MP’s work harder than they ever have since entering office. We do pay you and that figure is raised every time there is a change of government.

We need you to hold your courage and your nerve and to keep us free of an unconstitutional deal. Keep us free.


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Great, now we can choose quality over quota


Now the 2 billion sour … berries we imported last year will become a smaller quantity of a sweeter variety. We no longer need berries grown by how prolific the plant is. And that applies to anything we buy from the EU.

Well done to the MP”s who voted against the deal today, 12 March 2019. . Now we can start again, to protect our laws, our money and the independence we  cherish. So proud to be British and thank you very much to every MP who had the courage to stand up and vote for what he/she believed in. For the record, the result was 391 votes against the deal and 242  for it..

Mrs May has given us a constitutional crisis. How is she putting the welfare of the country above her personal ambition?  Continue to be  involved; we need you to give information that we can use to shape a different deal.


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Brexit – Norway-style or Canada WTO Access



We have at least two solid offers offering honourable ways for Britain to leave the EU. There is every reason for MP’s to remain calm and reject the nonsense that is Theresa May.

Claude Juncker famously said on UK TV that he was fed up with Mrs May asking what the EU wanted and to ask the EU what the UK wanted.

Mrs May has spoken to constituents over their MP’s heads. She has spoken to Labour and she that failed, she appealed to the Unions. She made ethereal promises to all.

Yet there has been a cross-party group meeting for months and rightly so. Mrs May has forgotten one thing: the average MP is intelligent and wants to give a well thought out opinion.

We rely on them.

Lucy Lou


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EU fall over themselves to say that the current deal is the only one


It is a nightmarish scenario. The EU know they have not conceded much, if anything and 27 countries who threatened not to sign last week, are now racing to sign. Bizarre. Weird. and somewhere: dishonest.

There may be content in the deal, but the words are nonsense and strung in a line. How dare Mrs May take our intelligence and throw it down the throats of an eager EU?

Eighty Conservative MP’s have publicly declared their opposition. Well done; it’s good to see MP’s standing up for their constituents. They have also been made to look fools by the government and more so, perhaps, as they trusted Mrs May to bring in a good deal. Let the Campaign for Plain English see it and there will be uproar.

For next week, let’s plan a new Brexit and refuse the scandal of the EU keeping concessions.  Messrs. Barnier and CJ Juncker are celebrating tonight; let’s make them cry. And frankly, if we were another smaller country, how much more would they be bullied. 
Mrs May is living in a bubble of fantasy.  

I hope that there is no way this scandalous note of history can be accepted by politicians.  Do the people want a vote again? It sounds like the buck is being passed.  



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Time to declare our position

Is history repeating itself?

Mrs May called a General Election within six months of winning one. It was a massive miscalculation because she and her two autocratic aides had kept all details to themselves.

Now, with the deadly boredom for the public and mounting panic for businesses, that is Brexit, we have no details. Why do I get the feeling that every time M. Barnier and co., report good progress, it means that we have conceded something? The trouble is that the public knows nothing and MP’s are being stonewalled, when the whole plan should have been made available to them. They should be signing off the details, but still Mrs May is silent.

The second problem is that we are being bullied by the EU. If 75% of our exports go to the EU, then what will happen to them if there is no deal? It will be the same as it is for us in the UK, so therefore those businesses should also be panicking. Negotiators for the EU and those for the UK need to show their hands. People on the streets is not a feature of British daily life. Agitators and activists breed in this atmosphere.

You cannot disrespect people’s lives; you have to give them answers. Wearing down Civil Servants and trying to blame them for Mrs May’s intransigence is unfair. If there is confirmation of a ‘no deal’, the possible consequences should be discussed in Parliament and Emergency Plans set up to deal with it, before we bounce out.

Meanwhile, our Prime Minister and thus our country have been insulted by M. C-J Juncker, the Luxembourg President of the EU Commission. He danced into a speech, days after Mrs May had danced the Conservative Conference to a happy conclusion. For publicly mocking the Head of another member state, he should be sacked. Had she been a man, would that have happened? Yes, probably; he does not consider us equal partners, a cheek coming from his small country. I should think his citizens are mortified.

Brexit is not a contest; it is about the future of the UK. The Referendum threw up almost a 52% to leave and 48% to remain. The British have been on the streets, demonstrating, which shows the level of frustration out there. Ignore it at our peril.  However, sack any MP who wants another Referendum; you can’t do that just because you did not like the result the first time.

It is time for Mrs May to show her hand. If she does not do so, she risks civil disunity, never mind political unity. Disappointment is being hurled from all sides.  The teams of negotiators can no longer consider our position; we should declare it. I suppose Mrs May has to trust in MP’s of all hues to bring us about instead of flapping in the wind. We are a fiercely proud island nation, sometimes mavericks, always independent. in our history, leaving the EU will be a blip in trade.

We just have to wake up and look at what other countries are doing,  China’s refusal to accept our plastic waste may mean a boon to putting plastics in roads (British startup). We have numerous Chinese students and financial services’ workers in London; let us keep our friends.


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Casting Mrs May Adrift Misses The Point


The British are mavericks and as such, never submit easily. Leaving the EU seems to be as difficult as joining it. Very reluctantly and with much kicking and screaming did we sign up to the European Courts having a say in our laws.

I think we forget that Britain leaving the EU will be a big wrench for EU citizens. So we should be more confident in putting forward our plans. Unfortunately, this time, the Cabinet’s discussions at Chequers last Friday 13 July 2018 have fallen by the wayside. as the enormity of no Customs Union hit MP’s in Parliament. On reason is that the other 27 countries in the EU could get jealous of Britain having a special deal. Frictionless trade does not need emotions running high.

Could you clear up something for me? Does having a Customs Union mean that we have frictionless trade or are these two separate discussions?

There can only be one leader, yet there could be cross-party discussion. Let us think for a moment about the radical Jeremy Corbyn and if he got into power, after Tory backbenches lost their collective nerve. He would have to take responsibility for Brexit. He may discuss it ad infinitum with his MP’s, but he is on record in two debates of saying something completely different. Of course, a man of such strict left-wing principles would be expected to denounce ministerial cars and insist they all had Minis.

If Mr Barnier is pleased, we are doomed

What is best for the country?

Mrs May is doing a good job. Why? Because it is easier to criticize than it is to create. So negotiators are not born, they are developed and that takes practice.

Here’s a curveball. Let us support Mrs May over a new plan that was created at Chequers. MP’s we have never heard of are resigning in pairs. Let them go. The pickle-minded are entrepreneurs who work for themselves.

Unfortunately, this is Parliament’s country and ours and we must negotiate Brexit sensibly. Why are Conservative MP’s making such a fuss? Plans are always amended. Once a billion-pound company Admiral Computing Ltd., made its Project Managers submit their best shot and then it would be criticized and redone. That meant it grew exponentially and was always a step ahead of competitors.

There is no need for Mrs May to be downcast. We are at the beginning of the creation of a Brexit. And it would be politic to support her.

Have a good week


PS As for M. Claude Juncker, he is not drunk (The Sun?).  He most likely has Meniers Disease where your horizon waves and makes it impossible to walk in a straight line. Operations are for other people.

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Share a common rulebook – So sensible!


The deliberations at Chequers have been agreed to a soft Brexit and we will never want a hard Brexit, as that will hit the man on a street, trying to keep himself in a job and the economy growing.
“Sharing a common rulebook’ is a chance to compromise with a Customs Union , Irish borders for the Irish and free trade. There will be enough arguments against it from the EU as the UK seems to have done a good deal for itself. Some jealous Europeans will not like it, so we need to present a united front, just like the Cabinet. It is our country at stake.
Congratulations to Mrs May.
If some dimwit Conservative MP’s attempt ‘dear John letters’, let them go back to their constitutuencies beforehand. And later give them Mr. Trump to deal with. He will tear us apart if he can.


PS So we have lost Mr David Davis. Everyone will thank him for what he has done, but to quit when we are near agreement is sad.

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